Treatment for Anxiety in Rancho Cucamonga

Slow down, Feel Safe, and Heal.

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Does it feel like you have become hostage to your anxiety?

  • You only trust yourself to get things done, but you're exhausted, resentful and burnt out. You know you can’t keep going like this. You know you need help.

  • You think you’ll feel better once your to-do list is all checked off, but you don’t. You just end up finding ways to fill the time with more errands that need to be completed. Strict routines, and the lack of flexibility creates tremendous stress and difficulty.

  • You feel that you have lost control of how much you worry and overthink about things. You find yourself always being in your head, never being in the moment.

  • Self-criticism, self-doubt and putting tremendous pressure on yourself are things you are very familiar with.

  • There seems to always be a sense of urgency, always being in survival mode, never feeling relaxed and calm even when you engage in things you enjoy. You wonder why you can’t slow down-physically and mentally even though you’ve tried everything.

  • Crying is happening more often because you just want to feel better, you want to feel normal, you want peace.

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Life looks like…

You’re struggling with enjoying or just being in the moment-with yourself and with others. You are physically there when interacting with someone, but mentally you are elsewhere-thinking of what needs to get done next. 

You’re killing it at work or school. You’re praised for your hard work, reliability and efficiency, but you are burnt out. You have taken on too much, worked too many hours, and you’re exhausted. You feel horrible inside.

When feeling highly anxious, you push others away- your partner, kids, and friends. You lash out at them which leads to arguments and pain. 

Your body always feels tense and you experience pains and aches from your stress. It’s hard to turn off your brain and fall or stay asleep at night. Energy is usually low and you have to push through the day.

Helping you find peace.

Take a moment and imagine this for your life. Where you can:

  • Feel confident that things will be okay.

  • Think clearly.

  • Feel normal to be calm.

  • Rest and do absolutely nothing  without guilt.

  • Be kind and loving to yourself.

  • Feel empowered to take on daily challenges and the anxiety that comes with it.

  • Have the time, energy and skills to cultivate meaningful and healthy relationships with your loved ones.

This is what therapy can do for you.

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How therapy for Anxiety works.

  • With therapy, you’ll learn how to identify what happens to your mind and body when you are experiencing anxiety. You’ll start to recognize patterns in your thinking and behaviors.

    Also, you’ll gain awareness on not only what triggers you, but why. You’ll learn to understand why it’s so difficult for you to relax, why you are a perfectionist, a people pleaser, an overachiever, a person who sets such high expectations on themselves, and struggles to accept themselves for who they are.

  • You’ll learn skills that are not only healthier, but also more effective in managing your anxiety. As much as many of us wish to rid our anxiety all together, that’s not possible. So you will gain the tools and confidence to tolerate and manage your anxiety.

    You’ll no longer be trying to run away or avoid your anxiety, but you will learn to deal with and embrace it.

  • You’ll learn how to paradoxically accept yourself and validate your feelings in order to cultivate change. Self-criticism/doubt will no longer dominate your thoughts and you will learn a healthier way of approaching yourself-especially the parts that you don’t like about yourself-with kindness, understanding and compassion.

  • You’ll cultivate compassion for yourself by gaining an understanding of how your past (possibly painful) experiences impacted you. With identifying deep wounds, you will learn how to heal those parts of you that constantly have your nervous system in survival mode.

    You will stop relying on external factors such as others approval, task completion, etc., and find peace by nourishing your own wants and needs with love and compassion.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness is being present, on purpose, and without judgment. With mindfulness-based interventions, you will learn to gain awareness of your anxiety, bodily sensations, thought patterns, behaviors, environment, and relationships. Mindfulness helps you tolerate your distress, cultivate self-acceptance, and enhance connection with yourself and others.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy uses opposite ideas-acceptance of who you are, and your desire to change-in order to ultimately lead to change. You will learn how to tolerate your high anxiety, and manage difficult situations with the use of  life skills. You will gain empowerment and control of your anxiety and other distressing emotions.

Therapy for Anxiety can help you:

  • Cultivate a sense of safety and confidence in your mind and body

  • Calm your nervous system

  • Understand, validate and accept yourself

  • Reconnect with yourself and others

  • Set healthy boundaries with yourself and others

  • Identify the root cause of your anxiety

  • Improve self expression

  • Feel confident in your healing

  • Slow down without shame or guilt

  • Meet your own wants and needs

woman with coffee and book in bed

The most loving thing you can do is invest in yourself.


The most loving thing you can do is invest in yourself. 〰️

I’m here to help you with:

  • Perfectionism

  • Overachieving

  • People pleasing

  • Poor boundaries

  • Self- esteem and self-worth

  • Panic attacks

  • Social Anxiety

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  • Anxiety is persistent, may have an identified and clear trigger, and significantly interferes with your daily life. This is different from stress as stress is a response to external factors (i.e. having an argument, needing to meet a deadline, having an interview) and is short term.

    Examples include:

    Thoughts/worries that are frequent and difficult to control.

    Feeling uneasy, restless, and fearful.


    Tension in the body. Having unexplained aches and pains.

    Physical changes: shortness of breath, dizziness, rapid heart rate, sweating, headache.

    Difficulty sleeping.

    Problems with concentrating.

  • Everyone experiences anxiety and it’s not realistic to completely get rid of it, but if you are frequently overwhelmed and struggling with managing your anxiety then therapy is recommended.

  • Everyone’s progress is different and there is no set timeline. Some people start to notice changes within a few weeks while others take longer.

  • Effectiveness varies. When treatment is tailored to each person, therapy can be incredibly helpful in alleviating anxiety long-term.

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